
South Africa and Comunity Development

South Africa’s need for Community Development

By Admin Community Development

South Africa’s need for Community Development
Community Development is a term used to emphasize an action plan to develop poor regions within an economically-driven society. For most South Africans, poverty and the struggle to implement jobs to countless of community members within Johannesburg, continue to circulate, with delays and shortcomings. Black Economical Empowerment (BEE) has become a ruling business principle to most corporates and depends on the full compliance thereof to support its entities in business while eliminating unemployment. Nevertheless, our problem with unemployment and poverty derives from our underdeveloped communities.

In our time, children face the vulnerability of a deficiency in community development in South Africa. To date, according to relevant newspapers and online resources, the unemployment rate of our youth stands at over 60%. Children are our future, but unfortunately, they are living under the breadline. Without proper strategies to help underprivileged communities, South Africa will face difficult times ahead. We are in need of skillful socio-economic development programmes that will change the outcome. We cannot afford to let the challenges of social needs to escalate beyond restoration.

Umsizi Sustainable Social Solutions (Pty) Ltd, is a company that specializes in community development programmes. To date, they have been the link between companies who necessitate ‘improved social corporate responsibility services’ and the needy communities in search of their support. Umsizi’s skilled personnel adhere to quality service and astute knowledge in the eradication of poverty and the uplifting of social strategy that surpasses all standards.

One such key community development project that Umsizi designed for community development is:

Household Agricultural Livelihood Improvement
Imagine what can be accomplished when we train people across South Africa’s poor communities to start their own farming businesses? Countless informal settlements are nested on fruitful ground, and even though space may be limited, it can be radically changed to a fast crop-producing enterprise. Agricultural opportunity can be expressed equally: the cultivation of fresh produce among the poor by showing, implementing, and mentoring –– Members of the community are opted and supported by thorough assessments done by Umsizi’s experts. Building key relationships with local leaders, practical training, and ongoing mentoring make this programme a concrete, yet innovative success every time.

Umsizi pioneers the area of socio-economic and community development projects. The impact of this programme results in poverty eradication.

Identifying households that are committed to the success of such a programme gets the backing of extra resources e.g., greenhouse tunnels, rainwater harvest tanks, and additional encouragement by Umsizi.

There are many programme opportunities for you and your business to consider, but Umsizi’s strategy stands above the rest. The team is full of compassion for the poor, and they make every effort to accommodate strategies that will impact with long-lasting sustainability.

The agricultural livelihood program is achievable through partnerships. Umsizi offers Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Plans, development, compliance and reporting services.

For more information about Umsizi and the service they offer in community development projects, contact them at, or visit the website:


Community Development Association Video

Asian Community Development Council

The Asian Community Development Council is expanding its offices in the Spring Mountain Corridor. This comes as the non-profit is dealing with a higher demand for immigration and healthcare help. Their new office will be at the Shanghai Plaza on Arville Street and Spring Mountain Road. The plaza is one of the latest developments marking the boom in Chinatown.

CDA Long Title Post SDG

Nigeria : Problems and Prospects of Community Development

Problems and Prospects of Community Development In Nigeria

Courtesy : Info Guide Nigeria



According to the United Nations (1948) community development is viewed as that practice of coming together by Persons in the community to undertake group action and proffer common   resolutions to challenges and difficulties facing the community.

It constitutes   the  action taken by community   leaders, advocates, concerned citizens and experts to elevate the standard of life in the community with a view to building a strong and  improved  local communities. The process of community development is to foster both social and economic development for the entire people in the community through the community’s   active involvement and full initiative.

The International Association for Community Development consisting of international network of scholars and community development experts defines community development, as a profession   and academic field which   enhances   people’s collective participation and right, social justice equality, economic opportunity, and sustainable development by the process of   organizing, training and empowering   people within their communities, in urban and rural locations.


Community development plays a special role in overcoming poverty and poor living standard in the community,

It unites the community at the grass root and enhances a strong democracy.

Community development is used as a technique by Agencies ,NGOs etc. as an approach to reach communities for the implementations of their projects  Agendas  and Programs for the wellbeing  ,progress and development of  communities

Community Development Exchange defines community development as:

1      The important   purpose of community development is to elevate the standard of living of people in communities fundamentally on equality, justice and mutual respect.

2     Community development creates and enhances good   relationships between members of the community such as relationship between ordinary people and people

3    It fosters group participation in proffering solution to problems confronting the community

4    It operate on the premise that within any community lies great potentials which if utilized can help build communities

5    Community development experts collaborate and   work with  people in communities to  build relationships and identify common interests.

6   They provides communities the opportunities to learn new skills through various empowerment initiatives

7   Community development experts facilitates social inclusion and equality through building of teams and group action

Community development approaches are recognized internationally. These methods and approaches have been acknowledged as significant for local social, economic, cultural, environmental and political development by such organizations as the UN, WHO, OECD, World Bank, Council of Europe and EU.


1 The mechanistic nature of decision taking and non-involvement of the community in decision making process for project initiation and implementation incapacitates the potentials of the communities. According to  Musa (1995) and Adefila (1995) top-down approach  of decision making and project initiation typifies not only donor-driven, and limited in nature , but tend to undermine the  benefiting communities. Particularly communities  are hardly involved  at the policy design or implementation stage, thereby excluding them as  participants and stakeholders in such plans programs and projects

2     The problem of vandalization   and abandonment of projects occurs when communities do not understand the project as a result of non-inclusion in the decision making process of initiation   and implementation of projects and programs.

3       Problem of loss of control over development process do occur because of lack of understanding and utilization of the project by the benefiting communities

4      Many community development projects are without adequate planning. They lack the needed proper cost  estimate and structural designs.

5    Many communities    do not   understand    the socio-environmental consequences or implications of the projects that they initiate. As such many of such projects do not survive

6 The impact of projects on the community is minimal as a result of poorly implemented projects that do not survive thereby leaving the people in excruciating poverty.

7 The income level of people in many communities is low .As a result the ability of the people to generate funds to sponsor projects is greatly affected. Thus many envisioned community projects remain unattainable.

8 Sometimes Leadership crises exist in certain communities such as, fund misappropriation thereby impeding the progress and further development of community projects.

9 The lack of expertise in maintenance services often renders some community projects diminished in value and dead. Thereby leading to a waste of resources.

 10 Political considerations often affect the siting of some public projects and also affect public support for some community projects. The  Implementation of the development programs itself is also affected by politics.

11 The problem of implementation. Arising from poor supervision also exists and constitutes one major problem to community project execution. Obot (1989) asserts that many development policies are poorly implemented due to poor supervision. Thus  some  water taps project  in  many communities remain unfunctional  since after  their installation.

12    Armed conflicts  in certain communities ranging from ethnic, communal, and religious issues also hinders many community projects .It creates the absence  of an  enabling environment  sustainable development in such communities .


Community development cannot be achieved in isolation. In view of the importance of the people it is essential that the community be involved in every phase of the project ranging from the initiation, planning, decision and execution phases of the project. They must be deeply involved in their community development.

The government  should provide Community education  holistically for  the development  of communities  rather than concentrate only on  rehabilitation of physical structures in  such  area  as agriculture, , health, adult education,  environmental , cooperative and enterprise development.

The provision of empowerment to the people is essential through skill acquisition, etc. to enhance the growth in people’s capabilities and productivity.

Government must provide a good communication   network with the communities’ .Such as communication channels with town and village unions, women and men groups, youth groups, cooperative societies and other community organizations etc. This will promote fast and effective spread of information regarding community programs and project between it, the community and external agent.

A Bottom –Up Strategy such as Participatory Rural Appraisal should be employed to enhance the full participation of communities in problem identification, solution, planning and implementation in identifying communities‟ problems and proffer appropriate solution to facilitate sustainable development.

For community development to be attained it is essential that community projects generate employment and fair income distribution. Therefore, each project should provide for the effective use of the manpower of the community so as to provide the people the power   to earn good living and improve their living standard.

The environment of the community should also be protected from harmful waste and pollutions so as to avoid the degradation of the community as a result of community project implementation.

NOTE : All the contents above are found to be true. The Publisher of this magazine platform has been the Chairman of a Community Development Association in Nigeria for more than five (5) years and knows many of the bottlenecks encountered in carrying out community development projects.


Community-driven Development Programs by The World Bank

Community-driven development (CDD) programs operate on the principles of transparency, participation, accountability, and enhanced local capacity.

Experience has shown that when given clear and transparent rules, access to information, and appropriate technical and financial support, poor communities can effectively organize to identify community priorities and address local problems by working in partnership with local governments and other institutions to build small-scale infrastructure and deliver basic services.

The World Bank recognizes that CDD approaches and actions are important elements of an effective poverty-reduction and sustainable development strategy.

In many countries, CDD operations are the only safety net available to reach remote and vulnerable groups in a timely and credible manner. They have a strong track record in moving funds quickly and flexibly in response to disasters and global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, as a complement to household cash transfers, community-level (block) grants that are based on community emergency plans can be distributed to rural villages and urban neighborhoods since community leaders often know best what the specific needs are in each community. 

The Bank has supported governments in designing, implementing, and evaluating CDD programs across a range of low to middle-income countries, including countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. The programs respond to a variety of urgent needs including access to clean water, rural roads, school and health clinic construction, nutrition programs for mothers and infants, and support for micro-enterprises.  These programs have consistently shown an ability to deliver an increase in access to quality infrastructure and services in a cost-effective manner, in ways that have broad community support.

Last Updated: Oct 01, 2020 – Courtesy World Bank Website


17 Sustainable Development Goals – UN

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, are a global initiative to end poverty, protect the environment, reduce economic inequality and ensure peace and justice for all.

These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which ended in 2015. Unlike the MDGs, the SDG framework does not distinguish between “developed” and “developing” nations. Instead, the goals apply to all countries. These goals are interconnected and based on the principle of “leaving no one behind”. There are 169 targets for the 17 goals.

In this article we are publishing the list of 17 the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their prime objectives;

Let’s have a look
  Goals   Objective   Description
 Goal -1  No Poverty  By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere.
 Goal -2  Zero Hunger  End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition by 2030.
 Goal -3  Good Health and Well-being  Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages by 2030.
 Goal -4  Quality Education  Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education by 2030.
 Goal -5  Gender Equality  To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
 Goal -6  Clean Water and Sanitation  Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all by 2030.
 Goal -7  Affordable and Clean Energy  Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030.
 Goal -8  Decent Work and Economic Growth  Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
 Goal -9  Industry, Innovation and  Infrastructure  Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation by 2030.
 Goal -10  Reduced Inequality  Reduce inequality within and among countries by 2030.
 Goal -11  Sustainable Cities and Communities  Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
 Goal -12  Responsible Consumption and Production  Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
 Goal -13  Climate Action  Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
 Goal -14  Life Below Water  Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
 Goal -15  Life on Land  Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, combat desertification and halt biodiversity loss.
 Goal -16  Peace and Justice Strong Institutions  Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all.
 Goal -17  Partnerships to achieve the Goal  Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

So the above mentioned sustainable development goals (SDGs) are covering almost every aspect of the human life. If these goals are achieved within the stipulated time, it’s sure that the life of poor throughout the world will be easier.

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Can Governments in Developing Nations Empower Community Development Associations?


Articles SDG

Sustainable Development Goals-What are they?

What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Through the pledge to Leave No One Behind, countries have committed to fast-track progress for those furthest behind first. That is why the SDGs are designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls.

Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.

What is UNDP’s role?

As the lead UN development agency, UNDP is well-placed to help implement the Goals through our work in some 170 countries and territories.

We support countries in achieving the SDGs through integrated solutions. Today’s complex challenges—from stemming the spread of disease to preventing conflict—cannot be tackled neatly in isolation. For UNDP, this means focusing on systems, root causes and connections between challenges—not just thematic sectors—to build solutions that respond to people’s daily realities.  

Our track record working across the Goals provides us with a valuable experience and proven policy expertise to ensure we all reach the targets set out in the SDGs by 2030. But we cannot do this alone.

Achieving the SDGs requires the partnership of governments, private sector, civil society and citizens alike to make sure we leave a better planet for future generations.